Alexander Macomb Chapter, NSDAR
Chapter Patriots
Courtesy of The National Museum of American History and the Karen Carr Studio.
American Revolutionary War
During the American Revolutionary War, about 231,000 men served in the Continental Army, though it is believed that no more than 48,000 served at any one time, and never more than 13,000 at any one place. The total of the Colonial militias numbered about 145,000 men.
When France joined forces with the Americans, they dispatched a large force of more than 12,000 soldiers to North America beginning in 1779, along with a substantial fleet that fought to the end of the war.
The British Army had upwards of 22,000 men at its disposal in North America with an additional 25,000 Loyalists (American colonists) who were faithful to Great Britain. There were also about 30,000 German auxiliaries, or Hessians hired out by German princes and served with the British throughout the war.
Historians believe the estimates of causalities to be 6,800 Americans killed in action, 6,100 wounded, and upwards of 20,000 taken prisoner. And an additional 17,000 deaths were the result of disease, including about 8,000-12,000 who died while prisoners of war. The British estimates about 24,000 total casualties including battlefield deaths and injuries, deaths from disease, men taken prisoner, and those who remained missing. Approximately 1,200 Hessian soldiers were killed, 6,354 died of disease, and another 5,500 deserted and settled in America afterwards.
Revolutionary War Patriots of the Alexander Macomb Chapter, NSDAR
Atwood, David (Patriotic Service)
Black, Judah (Lieutenant)
Breadsley, Benjamin (Private)
Beckwith, Zachariah (Private)
Bidwell, Thomas (Captain)
Bingham, Chester (Private)
Birge, Jonathan (Captain)
Booth, Jr., Nathan (Patriotic Service)
Burnham, Asahel (Private)
Cady, Jr., David (Captain)
Carter, Samuel (Lieutenant)
Chaffee, Ezra J. (Captain)
Church, Nathaniel (Private)
Clark, Noah William (Private)
Cone, Nathaniel (Private)
Corbin, William (Private)
Dickinson, Joseph (Sergeant/Ensign)
Dixon, William E. (Captain)
Dunn, Samuel (Private)
Elwood, Isaac (Private)
Ensign, John (Captain)
Goff, Charles (Private)
Grant, David (Private)
Griggs, Joseph (Corporal)
Hammond, Elijah (Patriotic Service)
Harris, Champlin (Private)
Hooker, James (Soldier)
Hooker, Samuel (Private)
Hough, Sr., Ebenezer (Patriotic Service)
Howe, Timothy (1st Lieutenant)
Johnson, Amos (Private/Ensign)
Lattan, Luke (Patriotic Service)
Lewis, Augustus (Private)
Lilley, Turner (Private)
Miller, Samuel (Private)
Miner, Justice (Private)
Newberry, Dyer (Patriotic Service)
Olmstead, Abijah (Private)
Olmstead, Daniel (Captain)
Owen, John (Private)
Paterson, John (Major General)
Peters, Nathan (Major)
Phelps, EIijah (Private)
Phelps, Joel (Patriotic Service)
Prior, Simeon (Private)
Putnam, Israel (Major General)
Riley, Ashbul (Sergeant)
Sanford, Joseph (Private)
Scripture, John (Private)
Skinner, Theodore (Patriotic Service)
Skinner, Daniel (Patriotic Service)
Stevens, Ebenezer (Patriotic Service)
Wakeman, Seth (Private)
Warner, Jr., Nathaniel (Private)
Warner, Sr., Nathaniel (Private)
Wattles, Daniel (Private)
Webster, Stephen (Corporal)
Whitney, Asa (Armory)
Winslow, Nathaniel (Patriotic Service)
Woodworth, Jr., Stephen (Private)
Wright, Amaziah (Captain)
Mansfield, Thomas O. (Colonel)
Nebuckar, John (Private)
Carter, Thomas (Patriotic Service)
Vickery, Joseph (Soldier)
Ankeny, Dewalt (Private)
Cox, Abraham (Lieutenant)
Dorsey, Charles (Patriot)
Dorsey, Nicholas (Patriotic Service)
Elder, Guy (Patriotic Service)
Elder, William (Patriotic Service)
Funk, Jr., Henry (Patriotic Service)
Gadd, Thomas, (Private)
Lilley, Richard (Patriotic Service)
Prather, Richard (Lieutenant)
Remsburger, Stephen (Sergeant/Captain)
Shaffer, George (2nd Lieutenant)
Sherwin, Jacob (Patriotic Service)
Ward, Edward (Private)
Ball, Moses (Corporal)
Barnes, Edward (Lieutenant/Colonel)
Beal, Sr., Seth (Private)
Bigalow, Roger (Private)
Black, John (Private)
Chaffee, Jr., Nathaniel (Private)
Cobb, Jr., Nathan C. (Sergeant)
Covell, Richard (Drummer)
Covell, John (Private)
DeLand, Daniel (Private)
Doggett, Jr., Samuel (Lieutenant)
Dyer, Ichabod (Private)
Massachusetts (cont.)
Fairbanks, Cyrus (Lieutenant)
Farnsworth, Aaron (Private)
Fletcher, Daniel (Major)
Fletcher, Jonathan (Captain)
Friend, John (Private)
Fuller, Isaiah (Lieutenant)
Gage, David (Private)
Glover, Alexander (Private)
Green, Russell (Private)
Hendrick, James (Captain/Lieutenant)
Hersey, John (Private)
Higgins, Jethro (Private)
Holmes, Nathaniel (Private)
Hubbard, Daniel S. (Private)
Hubbard, Zadoc (Private)
Hutchins, Noah (Sergeant)
Johnson, Daniel (Patriotic Service)
Kelsey, John (Sergeant)
Kingsley, Jr., Thomas (Private)
Lyon, Jacob (Private)
Manley, Jesse (Private)
Marsden, George (Lieutenant)
Moore, Rufus (Private)
Norcross, Daniel (Corporal)
Patch, Jonathan (Sergeant)
Peabody, Nathaniel (Private)
Peabody, Thomas (Patriotic Service)
Perkins, Sr., Joshua (Sergeant/Lieutenant)
Phelps, Joel (Patriotic Service)
Pine, Martin Joseph (Private)
Piper, Joseph (Patriotic Service)
Porter, Ebenezer (Private)
Potter, Ebenezer (Private)
Powers, Edward (Private)
Prescott, Ebenezer (Private)
Roach, John (Private)
Rearick, Sr., John (Private)
Richardson, Timothy (Private)
Rockwell, Sr., John (Private)
Salisbury, William (Patriotic Service)
Sherwin, Jacob (Patriotic Service)
Short, Sr., Phillip (Patriotic Service)
Stevens, Jesse (Private)
Stevens, Sr., Silas (Private)
Stillman, John (Private)
Taft, Jr., Noah (Private)
Tracy, Thomas (Private)
Warren, James (Patriotic Service)
Weeks, William (Corporal)
Whitney, Jason (Private/Patriot Service)
Winchell, Joseph (Sergeant)
Winship, Richard (Private)
Winston, Isaac (Private)
Wilder, Abel (Captain)
Wright, Sr., Caleb (Captain)
New Hampshire
Angier, Silas (Private)
Amsbury, Israel (Sergeant)
Atwood, Jonathan (Patriot)
Blaisdell, Jr., Isaac (Corporal)
Brooks, John (Lieutenant)
Burroughs, John (Patriotic Service)
Cragin, Francis (Sergeant)
Cragin, John (Private)
Folsom, Peter (Patriotic Service)
Garwood, John (Soldier)
Gibson, Sr., John (Private)
Gilson, Sr., John (Private)
Kent, Jacob (Colonel)
Keys, Sr., Abner (Sergeant)
Liar, Matthias (Patriotic Service)
Mann, Asa (Patriotic Service)
Moore, Abijah (Captain)
Moore, Rufus (Private)
Morse, Jonathan (Private)
Munson, Abraham (Private)
Piper, Joseph (Patriotic Service)
Rust, Nathaniel (Private/Patriotic Service)
Shoff, Frederick (Private)
Slade, John (Private/Patriotic Service)
Slade, Samuel (Private)
Slaughter, Ezekiel (Private)
Thompson, Job (Patriotic Service)
Tipple, Adam (Private)
New Jersey
Axtell, Henry (Major)
Ball, Nehemiah (Sergeant/Private)
Biles, John (Patriotic Service)
Carlton, Francis (Private)
Clark, Noah (Private)
Corwin, Joseph (Patriotic Service)
Dunn, Samuel (Private)
Howell, Levi (Patriotic Service)
Hudson, Abraham (Sergeant)
Kirkendall, Samuel (Privateer)
Littell, Eliakim (Patriotic Service)
New Jersey (cont.)
Lozier, Hillebrant (Private)
Moore, Rufus (Private)
Munson, Abraham (Private)
Perkins, Jacob (Captain/Major)
Shultz, Michael (Private)
Smith, Joshua (Patriotic Service)
Weller, Jacob (Private)
New York
Armsbury, Stephen (Soldier)
Ball, Nehemiah (Private/Sergeant)
Beem, William (Patriotic Service)
Bonesteel, Phillip (Private)
Brewster, John (Patriotic Service)
Brunster, John (Patriotic Service)
Bryan, Alexander (Soldier)
Calkins, Eleazer (Private)
Callender, John (Lieutenant)
Caton, John (Private)
Conner, Benjamin (Captain)
Cramer, John Nicholas (Private)
Culver, David (Private)
Culver, Nathaniel (Patriotic Service)
Davin, Peter (Private)
Davis, Peter (Private)
Dietz, Henrick (Soldier)
Dietz, Philip (Private)
Francher, Abraham (2nd Lieutenant)
Hartt, John (Captain)
Hester, Henry (Lieutenant)
Knickerbacher, John (Colonel)
Kramer, John N. (Private)
Mattice, Elias (Soldier)
Myers, Michael (Private)
Nelson, John (Private)
Nelson, Thomas (Patriotic Service)
Phelps, Elijah (Soldier)
Roe, Daniel (Captain)
Roosa, Isaac (2nd Lieutenant/Ensign)
Rouse, Casper (Patriotic Service)
Rouse, Nicholas (Private)
Sayre, James (Private)
Shoemaker, H. Yose (Major)
Stickle, Johannes (Private)
Stickle, Nicholas (Private)
Stone, Aaron (Private)
Teats, Philip (Private)
Typpal, Adam (Private)
Willis, Thomas (Soldier)
Wright, Charles (Patriotic Service)
North Carolina
Beeson, Edward (Captain)
Chiles, John (Patriotic Service)
Doan, James (Private)
Flenniken, John (Private)
Hawkins, Joseph (Private)
Jernigan, Cary (Soldier)
Lashley, Sr., Lewis (Private)
Purviance, John (Private)
Reavis, Harris (Private)
Rendlemen, John (Captain)
Herrod, Arthur (Patriotic Service)
Sherrill, William (Patriotic Service)
Sherrod, Arthur (Patriotic Service)
Stillwell, Jacob (Fife Major)
Upton, John (Soldier)
Vickery, Joseph (Soldier)
Whitson, William (Major)
Ankenny, Christian (Corporal)
Bowser, Noah (Private)
Brubaker, John (Private)
Bruner, Ulrich Owen (Patriotic Service)
Cable, Abraham (Lieutenant)
Carroll, Robert (Patriotic Service)
Carroll, William (Captain)
Coon, Peter (Private)
Countryman, George (Patriotic Service)
Culbertson, William (Private)
Daybenspeck, George (Private)
Dunn, Samuel (Private)
Ewalt, Henry (Ensign)
Frampton, William (Private/Patriotic Service)
Fritz, Phillip (Private)
Funk, Martin (Patriotic Service)
Harding, Jr., Christian (Private)
Isherwood, Francis (Soldier)
Karmany, Joseph (Private)
Kenny, Edward D. (Private)
Kistler, Samuel (Ensign)
Long, Joseph (Private/Patriotic Service)
Long, Sr., John Nicholas (Private)
McCotter, James (Private)
Mertz, Phillip (Lieutenant)
Messmore, John (Private)
Miller, Yose (Private)
Pennsylvania (cont.)
Mostoller, Frederick (Private)
Noble, Joseph (Sergeant)
Ream, Andrew (Soldier)
Rearick, John (Private)
Rhodes, Henry (Captain)
Runkle, Jacob (Patriotic Service)
Shaffer, Henry (1st Lieutenant)
Shank, Christian (Private)
Shoff, Frederick (Private)
Simon, Michael (Private)
Smith, Thomas (Colonel)
Umberger, Heinrich (Patriotic Service)
Umberger, Michael (Patriotic Service)
Van Sant, James (Private)
Van Meter, Jacob (Captain)
Van Vliet, Charrick (Private)
Walker, Jacob (2nd Lieutenant)
Wait, Casper (Private)
Wait, George (Patriotic Service)
Wise, Sr., John Adam (Patriotic Service)
Wisehart, William (Sergeant/Ensign)
Rhode Island
Aldrich, Asquire (Sergeant)
Durfee, Gideon (Private)
Peck, Peleg (Patriotic Service)
Peckham, Timothy (Ensign)
Potter, Erza (Patriotic Service)
Sheldon, James P. (Patriotic Service)
South Carolina
Carter, Thomas (Patriotic Service)
Hitt, John (Patriotic Service)
Owen, James (Private)
Purviance, John (Private)
Tandy, Achilles (Lieutenant)
Teel, Edward (Private)
Clay, Jr., James (Lieutenant)
Clay, Sr., James (Patriotic Service)
Fuller, Elijah (Patriotic Service)
Fuller, Solomon (Sergeant)
Harlow, Isaac (1st Lieutenant)
Ives, Sr., Enos (Private)
Kent, Jacob (Colonel)
Lyman, Isaac (Lieutenant)
Moore, Abijah (Captain) Moore, David (Captain ) Noble, Eli (Captain)
Phillips, Thomas (Private)
Post, Jr., Roswell (Scout/Clerk/Sergeant)
Potter, Joseph (Sergeant)
Stone, Philip (Patriotic Service)
Sergeant, Thomas (Patriotic Service)
Wright, Charles (Patriotic Service)
Abney, William (Private)
Arnette, II, David (Private)
Baylor, Jacob (Private)
Bishop, Jonathan (Soldier)
Bolling, John (Private)
Cantrell, Joshua (Lieutenant)
Chapoton, Jean Baptiste (Patriotic Service)
Clack, Spencer (Lieutenant)
Cordell, Sr., John (Captain/Patriotic Service)
Doonahew, Henry (Seaman)
Durham, Samuel (Private)
Dyer, Charles (Private)
Emerson, John (Captain)
Gilbert, John Webster (Captain)
Green, William (Drummer)
Grimsley, William (Soldier)
Hays, William (Private)
Jarrett, James (Patriotic Service)
Jones, Ambrose (Patriotic Service)
Keistler, Frederick (1st Lieutenant)
Keese, Richard (Patriotic Service)
Litton, John Richard (Soldier)
Logan, Hugh (Captain)
Lowthal, William (Colonel)
Luna, Peter (Private)
Montgomery, John (Patriotic Service)
Moyer, Philip (1st Lieutenant)
Munger, William Henry (Soldier)
Owen, James (Private)
Sale, John (Captain)
Sharp, Sr., William (Private)
Slaughter, Ezekiel (Patriotic Service)
Spurling, William (Private)
Stigler, Samuel (Patriotic Service)
Stroud, James (Patriotic Service)
Summers, James (Patriotic Service)
Thomas, Joseph (Private)
Tuck, Sr., John (Patriotic Service)
Van Meter, Jacob (Private)
Vicars, Robert (Private)
Ward, David (Captain)
Winfree, James (Patriotic Service)